Aim High
Embrace being new
Know what you are judged on
Time is of the essence
Do it now
Be accountable
Use your strengths
Keep you skills up to date
Become an excellent listener
Ask and receive
Look to the future
Build strong work relationships
Make connections inside and outside the workplace
Find a mentor
Understand behavior differences
Act as if you own the place
Establish the rules
Embrace change/uncertainty
Kill Miss Congeniality
What goes around comes around
Embrace criticism
Lighten up & separate
Take a break
Balance your life
You control your own PR
Springboard from mortarboard to onboard : 25 Things I wish my mother would have told me before I started work
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
Blog de P. Erol GIRAUDY sur la Généalogie de mes familles Giraudy et Ottomane de Turquie et du Comté de Nice.
samedi 15 novembre 2008
25 Things I wish my mother would have told me before I started work
Veille technologique - TIC - Gouvernance - AI - GPT (Teams, INSIDER Windows 11, INSIDER MICROSOFT 365, BETA TESTS Edge et Bing, et veille technologique sur les GAFAM+N), j'ai publié deux livres sur les solutions Microsoft et l'AI et Copilot (c'est le quatrième aux formats ePUB et Papiers). Je pratique la Veille technologique active sur les TIC et AI et je suis membre de AIDAUG et UGAIA, GUILD4AI - "Association de fait"
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