mercredi 19 novembre 2008

Capgemini utilise le 'cloud' d'Amazon pour développer des applications - Actualités Infrastructure serveur - Le Monde Informatique

Capgemini utilise le 'cloud' d'Amazon pour développer des applications

Edition du 19/11/2008 - par Miléna Nemec-Poncik

Capgemini et Amazon Web Services ont noué hier un partenariat autour du 'cloud computing'. La SSII française se servira du nuage d'Amazon pour développer des applications autour de trois axes : les solutions SaaS Microsoft SharePoint, Fusion (le module ERP, progiciel de gestion intégrée, d'Oracle), ainsi que des services de test et de développement d'applications industrielles via Internet. Cette offre, expérimentée aux Etats-Unis depuis le début de l'année auprès de trois grandes sociétés, est destinée à évoluer vers d'autres secteurs, comme l'univers SAP ou l'Open Source.
Capgemini se charge de développer des applications qui sont ensuite hébergées par la plateforme EC2 (Elastic Computer Cloud) d'Amazon. Ce service - fraîchement sorti de sa version bêta - permet de créer un nouveau serveur en quelques minutes, en s'affranchissant de l'achat de nouveau matériel. Capgemini et Amazon garantissent une disponibilité de 99,95%, ce qui correspond à un temps d'arrêt n'excédant pas 4 h 30 par an. La facturation se fait au cas par cas.

Capgemini fournit également des services de conseil, de migration et de sauvegarde. Un pôle de compétences a même été créé à cet effet. Il est composé d'une équipe d'une cinquantaine de personnes (architectes infrastructure et consultants) situées aux Etats-Unis, en Europe (notamment en France) et en Inde.

Capgemini prône la souplesse et la visibilité budgétaire

Avec ce pôle de compétences, Capgemini met le pied dans le 'cloud computing' pour la première fois et compte s'y faire une place. « Je ne crois pas qu'il s'agisse d'un simple phénomène de mode organisé autour d'un buzz médiatique, explique Pascal Exertier, directeur de l'activité infogérance et président de l'activité outsourcing de Capgemini France. Nos clients éprouvent de vraies difficultés à prévoir leurs investissements et la conjoncture économique actuelle ne va pas faciliter les choses. Notre offre de 'cloud computing' leur permet d'avoir une certaine souplesse ainsi qu'une meilleure visibilité budgétaire. »

Capgemini utilise le 'cloud' d'Amazon pour développer des applications - Actualités Infrastructure serveur - Le Monde Informatique

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
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mardi 18 novembre 2008

XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping

XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

samedi 15 novembre 2008

25 Things I wish my mother would have told me before I started work

Aim High
Embrace being new
Know what you are judged on
Time is of the essence
Do it now
Be accountable
Use your strengths
Keep you skills up to date
Become an excellent listener
Ask and receive
Look to the future
Build strong work relationships
Make connections inside and outside the workplace
Find a mentor
Understand behavior differences
Act as if you own the place
Establish the rules
Embrace change/uncertainty
Kill Miss Congeniality
What goes around comes around
Embrace criticism
Lighten up & separate
Take a break
Balance your life
You control your own PR

Springboard from mortarboard to onboard : 25 Things I wish my mother would have told me before I started work

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

Le Gartner prédit l'émergence de clouds privés chez les grands comptes - Actualités Infrastructure serveur - Le Monde Informatique

Le Gartner prédit l'émergence de clouds privés chez les grands comptes
Edition du 14/11/2008 - par François Lambel
Halte aux clouds fumeux. Le Gartner dit qu'il s'agit d'une informatique distribuée qui profite de la virtualisation.

Dans l'univers déjà brumeux du cloud computing, le Gartner Group en rajoute une couche. Selon les analystes de ce cabinet, les grandes entreprises s'intéressent de près aux infrastructures en cloud computing de fournisseurs comme Google et Amazon, non pour leur déléguer les leurs, mais plutôt pour apprendre comment les faire muter sur leur modèle.
Et l'analyste Thomas Bittman de créer le concept de cloud computing privé. Il exposera sa vision complète du phénomène le mois prochain dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle du Gartner à Las Vegas.

En attendant, il souligne que l'offre actuelle de cloud computing des fournisseurs s'adresse en fait aux clients en quête d'externalisation. Bien qu'il soit mis en avant, le cloud de ces fournisseurs n'est là que pour répondre à un besoin de sous-traitance. Le Gartner prévoit que l'appel au cloud computing pour l'externalisation concernera en priorité le courrier électronique. Le nombre de boîtes de courriels hébergées selon ce modèle passera de 1% du total en 2007 à 20% en 2012. Une prédiction qui résonne avec l'annonce d'Exchange Online par Microsoft en mai dernier. L'éditeur prévoit que, d'ici cinq ans, " la moitié des boîtes Exchange seront sur Exchange Online."

La suite logique de la virtualisation

Le Gartner prédit l'émergence de clouds privés chez les grands comptes - Actualités Infrastructure serveur - Le Monde Informatique

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

vendredi 14 novembre 2008

Microsoft TechDays - Accueil

Je prépare ma démos... une approche simple niveau 100 afin de démistifier, assez "user"

Microsoft TechDays - Accueil

Président du Club MOSS FRANCE
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Visual Studio 2010 Eases Web, Cloud Development

Visual Studio 2010 Eases Web, Cloud Development
By Barb Mosher Nov 13. 2008Tagged: development enterprise cms moss sharepoint visual studio

When Visual Studio 2008 came out last November, it was packed with a lot new functionality and features that made many a Microsoft developer’s heart go a flutter.

This month, Microsoft unveiled the future of Visual Studio and it’s called Visual Studio 2010. To along with the new version, the .Net framework is being upgraded to version 4. There are tons of new improvements expected, along with a rumor that SharePoint development will get much easier.

We took a peek at the changes coming and wanted to fill you in.

Microsoft has focused the improvements to Visual Studio 2010 around a few focus areas: Enabling Emerging Trends, Inspiring Developer Delight, Riding the Next Generation Platform Wave and Democratizing Application Lifecycle Management.

Enabling Emerging Trends
Cloud Development: Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio enables developers to build, debug and deploy services and applications for the cloud. This includes a project model that you can use to build your application or service. The Windows Azure Tools are used to deploy the package to the cloud through the Live Developer Portal.
Parallel Development It’s not easy by any means to write code that is optimized to run across more than one processor (parallel development). Microsoft now provides an environment that will help do this through Visual Studio IDE support for Parallel development and Native C++ libraries and compiler support for parallel applications. In addition, version 4 of the .net framework will also provide things like P-LIINQ and parallel language semantics and framework components. The debugger and a performance analyzer are also optimized to support parallel development.

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Inspiring Developer Delight
Coding Improvements: A new editor uses Windows Presentation Foundation technology to provide integrated support that helps you understand your code. Things like the “Document Map Margin” — which renders a graphical view of your source file with information about the code, third party add-ons for custom views, “Inline Call Hierarchy” — see how a particular method or entity is passed into and out of the code section, and “Highlight References” — a visual representation of code references.

The new editor also integrates with something called the TDD — Test Driver Development. The TDD is used to build the tests to test the code before it’s even written.
Web Development: A new set of ASP.Net tools allows developers to use TDD to build Model-View-Controller (MVC) based websites.
Included are Project Templates and Solutions out of the box for a MVC website, automatic generation of test projects, wizards for common tasks such as creating views from controllers and more. Support for Javascript and JQuery, a “one click” deployment wizard and Silverlight 2 runtime and tooling are also new.
C++ Development: A total revamp of the IDE to support parallel development, cloud development, an MFC Class Wizard and stronger support for large solutions with thousands of files are in the new version of VS.
SharePoint Development in Visual Studio 2010
The Visual Studio Tools for SharePoint were demonstrated at TechEd EMEA Developers 2008. The tools added include:

View lists and other artifacts from SharePoint in Visual Studio
New SharePoint Services Project file
Visual Web Part Designer, web part project items
Event Receivers for SharePoint, Wizards to select the event receiver
ASPX Workflow Initiation form for Workflow Project
SharePoint packaging explorer and editor
Riding the Next Generation Platform Wave
Windows 7: VS2010 will support development for the new Windows 7 operating system which includes a number of new tools to develop new apps and make existing ones take advantage of the new features of the OS.
Office Business Applications: First introduced with VS2005, the next version of VS will enable developers to build Office applications that span multiple versions of MS Office (32 or 64 bit) and deliver them as a single deployment package (again using that One Click Wizard we mentioned above). In addition, we see the introduction of designer support for building flexible UIs in either WPF or Fluent, improved data binding, integration of Office data sources using LINQ and integration of the Business Data Catalog.
Democratizing Application Lifecycle Management
The primary discussion around this new version is about the “democratizing of application life-cycle management (ALM)” using Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2010 — also called Rosario.

Architecture Lifecycle Diagram

Modeling Tools: Using VSTS 2010 Architecture, both technical and non-technical users can work together to model business systems using either UML and DSL — this modeling capability is part of the Oslo modeling platform.
Improved Efficiency Throughout the Test Cycle: New and improved testing features include the ability to eliminate non-reproducible bugs, fast setup and deployment of tests and the ability to ensure all code changes are tested.
Improvements in Collaboration Capabilities: Team Foundation Server has been enhanced, enabling development teams to utilize agile development approaches, visualization tools for tracking changes and workflow-build tools that catch errors before the real trouble comes

Architecture Explorer

Visual Studio 2010 also provides a unified VSTS Development and Database product.
Getting to Visual Studio 2010 It’s not out yet. And if you want to use it when it comes, you should start using Visual Studio 2008 now — because you’ll need that version to upgrade (you can’t upgrade from 2005).

You can try it out with the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 Community Technology Preview. The CTP release is available in English only as a Virtual PC image.

Apparently the plan is to roll VS 2010 in five phases, broken down similar to how they are described above and starting with Democrating Application Lifecycle Management. In an interview with Information Week, Dave Mendlen, the company’s director of marketing for developer tools said “Instead of gradually opening a fire hose of news, with this release we’ll focus on individual themes,” [] “While transparency is a good thing in many circumstances, the perception [among developers] was that they were getting bombarded with information sort of constantly.”

And while we’ve heard this new version makes developing SharePoint applications much easier, we couldn’t find any details on the Microsoft sites on how they’ll make that happen — other than the MSDN blog referenced above.

You can get a little more information on Visual Studio 2010 on the product website or view some videos describing it on Microsoft’s Channel 9 PDC2008 site.

Visual Studio 2010 Eases Web, Cloud Development

Président du Club MOSS FRANCE
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Microsoft talks about Hotfixes, Service Packs and Project 14 (and Office 14?)

Microsoft talks about Hotfixes, Service Packs and Project 14 (and Office 14?)

Un article intéressant sur OFFICE 14,

Yesterday I listened to an excellent webcast organised by the Microsoft Project User Group (MPUG). Ludovic Hauduc, the General Manager of Microsoft Office Project, discussed hotfixes, service packs, the infrastructure update and Project 14. Much of what he said was also relevant to other Office products such as Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and SharePoint Server (MOSS), as SharePoint like Project is part of the Office 2007 suite of products, for which culumative updates, service packs and the improves as per the infrastructure update are all released at the same time. More information on this webcast can be found on the MPUG blogs, "Next Release of Project Could Appear in August 2009 Timeframe".

Ludovic explained how Microsoft were now releasing cumulative updates for the Office products every two months, following a similar practice that Exchange and SQL had followed for the last two years. The first cumulative update was in August 2008 and then October 2008. They are now working on the cumulative update for December 2008, then Service Pack 2 will be released early 2009, followed by culumative updates probably in March 2009 and then in May 2009. (I keep a list of SharePoint version numbers for each SharePoint update on my blog, which you can find here.)

The predictability of these updates, Ludovic says, will allow Microsoft's customers to optimise their own processes and proactively plan the inclusion of updates into their environments. Every cumulative update or service pack is accumulative, so customers can, for example, decide to skip an update, but yet know that when they do apply a more recent update, all fixes are rolled up in the update they decide to install. However customers MUST test these updates first in their own environments before applying them in production.

Ludovic stated that with the August update, they had introduced a new process of batching together fixes, and that he was proud of the results. He states that “Quality is a Journey”, and what he and his team have learnt in supporting Project 2007, they will be able to bring forward into Office 14 and beyond. Because Project 2007 was such a departure from Project 2003, they never had the opportunity of bringing forward improvements (fixes) from 2003 into 2007. 2003 and 2007 were close cousins, but 2003 was a dead end. However Project 14 is an incremental release of Project 2007. Project 14 will not depart drastically from Project 2007 and literally any hotfix or service pack for Project 2007 will make its way into Project 14. This just wasn't available in the previous versions.

Ludovic also had time to discuss Project 14 - to hear all the information, MPUG members can listen to the webcast on the MPUG site. He mentioned that his team and many teams within Microsoft, plus a number of the Technical Adoption Partners (TAP) are using the M1 build of Project 14. In fact, the project team are using the M2 build (one month old) to plan the work of Project 14. The use of the test builds within Microsoft is known eating their own dog food, and he stated that they had more dog fooding on Project 14 than on any other release combined.

This webcast was recorded and can be listed by members of MPUG. A basic membership of MPUG is free, but doesn't allow you to login to the MPUG site, but will allow you to listen to some of the WebNLearn webcasts and receive the newsletter. Microsoft talks about Hotfixes, Service Packs and Project 14 (and Office 14?)

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

mercredi 12 novembre 2008

Ray Ozzie: Reflections on Azure | Charles | Channel 9

"Ray Ozzie: Reflections on Azure. Ray Ozzie joins us for a quick chat (you can imagine how busy he is...) about the complexities of designing and implementing the Azure Services Platform, his key take-aways from the past two days at PDC and his guiding architectural principles for Azure (for those who know Ray, he is a staunch advocate for simplicity and adherence to protocols that already exist and are widely used).

Niners, at the end of the interview there's a surprise for all of you (especially one of you, but know that Ray is a huge fan of Channel 9 and especially the Niners who make it so special: all of you). Big thanks to Ray for coming on Channel 9 with such short notice and given his crazy PDC schedule!


Ray Ozzie: Reflections on Azure | Charles | Channel 9
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

mardi 11 novembre 2008

iLove SharePoint: Features SharePoint Office Server 14

Office Server 14 will run on x64 only!
iLove SharePoint: Features SharePoint Office Server 14

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
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dimanche 9 novembre 2008

Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : PDC 2008: Announcing Azure Services Platform and Microsoft SharePoint Services

Je vais en parler à la prochaine réunion du CLUB MOSS FRANCE le 15 Décembre, et avant à un petit déjeuner le 13 Novembre à Paris... A suivre Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog : PDC 2008: Announcing Azure Services Platform and Microsoft SharePoint Services
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

Microsoft Certified Master: Frequently Asked Questions

"Ranger" was the original name for the Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) Technology Architect program. This program included four-to-five consecutive weeks of training delivered by Microsoft experts, followed by a Review Board (business acumen) test, which was required in order for candidates to receive certification. Due to the high demand for this level of advanced training and the high demand for a corresponding certification, Microsoft has evolved the training portion of the MCA Technology Architect (Ranger) program into a stand-alone, three-week training offering where experts both inside and outside of Microsoft deliver expert-level content to a classroom of highly experienced IT professionals. A key difference between the legacy Ranger program and the new Master program is that candidates can now earn the premier technical credential from Microsoft after they pass the technical exams. Microsoft Certified Master: Frequently Asked Questions
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

samedi 8 novembre 2008

Microsoft Certified Master: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

The Microsoft Certified Master: Un belle idée, mais est-elle bien accessible ?
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 program provides the most in-depth and comprehensive training available today for Office SharePoint Server 2007. This three-week training program is delivered by recognized experts from Microsoft and Microsoft partner organizations.

Training deepens and broadens the technical skills of experienced messaging professionals
This Microsoft Certified Master program—a combination of instructor-led training, white-board discussions, individual and team labs, and thorough exam testing—involves the most in-depth and comprehensive training available today for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

The training activities include:
•Training and lab assignments focused on critical tasks, including capacity planning, disaster recovery, performance tuning and testing, logical architecture design, and many others.
•A team exercise in which you design a large enterprise-level farm environment
•An in-depth study of the core technical design of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 that will give you the knowledge you need to make wise choices in complex deployment scenarios
Other training topics include enterprise development with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, enterprise search, the business data catalog, designing geographically dispersed implementations, and many more.

Certified individuals prove their technical mastery

Candidates who successfully complete the program can expect to have a greatly improved understanding of the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 platform. Microsoft Certified Masters can design, build, deploy, test, support, and troubleshoot a variety of customer-specified SharePoint solutions. Additionally, they understand how design decisions affect the final solution and based on this knowledge, can make wise recommendations to the customer. Microsoft Certified Masters on Office SharePoint Server 2007 are truly the trusted network of technical experts for enterprise-class deployments of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Applicants must meet or exceed the prerequisite requirements for their chosen program track in order to be accepted into the Microsoft Certified Master program. Required exams and certifications will be verified.

Successful completion of the following exams and certifications
Exam 70-630: TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring (for IT professionals)
Exam 70-631: TS: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Configuring (for IT professionals)
Exam 70-541: TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 – Application Development (for developers)
Exam 70-542: TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Application Development (for Developers)
Microsoft Certified Master: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Pricing structure
Nonrefundable program application fee: US$125
Program fee: US$18,500
Non-lab exam retakes: US$250
Lab exam retakes: US$1,500
Que penser de ces prix ?
De ce programme ?

Microsoft Certified Master: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
November 3–22, 2008
February 9–28, 2009
April 13–May 2, 2009
Pas vraiment pratique pour des membres de l'Europe, non ?
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

vendredi 7 novembre 2008

SharePoint Tutorials from

SharePoint Tutorials from " provides on-demand access to SharePoint tutorials from LearnVu to all our SharePoint hosting customers. This is a significant value-add service to our SharePoint hosting offerings.

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SharePoint tutorials from LearnVu are your answer to common issues users have in learning SharePoint software. You will be up and running SharePoint quickly with and LearnVu.

LearnVu Tutorial Tips: (1) use with high speed internet access (2) after a tutorial loads you may need to press the 'stop' button on the video control to queue the video (3) verify that your browser has the Flash plug-in."
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

mercredi 5 novembre 2008

USA un nouveau President: Barack Obama

La crise financière actuelle est devenue la préoccupation principale des Américains. Or, selon un récent sondage Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg, 48% des Américains feraient confiance à Barack Obama sur les questions économiques. Sa maîtrise de l'économie - Elections américaines - MSN Actualités - Actualités#10633513 lire la suite sur le site MSN... Sur le 44eme President des USA Barack Obama. (Pendant la campagne, Barack Obama a salué lundi la mémoire de sa grand-mère maternelle. A son arrivée, pour son avant-dernier meeting avant le scrutin, Barack Obama a annoncé que Madelyn Dunham était morte d'un cancer à 86 ans dans son domicile d'Honolulu). Beaucoup d'espoir dans cette élection de Barack Obama...
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

mardi 4 novembre 2008

Mart Muller's Sharepoint Weblog - Office 14 to the Web

Quelques infos sur la 14... par Mart Muller's Sharepoint Weblog - Office 14 to the Web

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn