dimanche 9 novembre 2008

Microsoft Certified Master: Frequently Asked Questions

"Ranger" was the original name for the Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA) Technology Architect program. This program included four-to-five consecutive weeks of training delivered by Microsoft experts, followed by a Review Board (business acumen) test, which was required in order for candidates to receive certification. Due to the high demand for this level of advanced training and the high demand for a corresponding certification, Microsoft has evolved the training portion of the MCA Technology Architect (Ranger) program into a stand-alone, three-week training offering where experts both inside and outside of Microsoft deliver expert-level content to a classroom of highly experienced IT professionals. A key difference between the legacy Ranger program and the new Master program is that candidates can now earn the premier technical credential from Microsoft after they pass the technical exams. Microsoft Certified Master: Frequently Asked Questions
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

samedi 8 novembre 2008

Microsoft Certified Master: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

The Microsoft Certified Master: Un belle idée, mais est-elle bien accessible ?
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 program provides the most in-depth and comprehensive training available today for Office SharePoint Server 2007. This three-week training program is delivered by recognized experts from Microsoft and Microsoft partner organizations.

Training deepens and broadens the technical skills of experienced messaging professionals
This Microsoft Certified Master program—a combination of instructor-led training, white-board discussions, individual and team labs, and thorough exam testing—involves the most in-depth and comprehensive training available today for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

The training activities include:
•Training and lab assignments focused on critical tasks, including capacity planning, disaster recovery, performance tuning and testing, logical architecture design, and many others.
•A team exercise in which you design a large enterprise-level farm environment
•An in-depth study of the core technical design of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 that will give you the knowledge you need to make wise choices in complex deployment scenarios
Other training topics include enterprise development with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, enterprise search, the business data catalog, designing geographically dispersed implementations, and many more.

Certified individuals prove their technical mastery

Candidates who successfully complete the program can expect to have a greatly improved understanding of the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 platform. Microsoft Certified Masters can design, build, deploy, test, support, and troubleshoot a variety of customer-specified SharePoint solutions. Additionally, they understand how design decisions affect the final solution and based on this knowledge, can make wise recommendations to the customer. Microsoft Certified Masters on Office SharePoint Server 2007 are truly the trusted network of technical experts for enterprise-class deployments of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Applicants must meet or exceed the prerequisite requirements for their chosen program track in order to be accepted into the Microsoft Certified Master program. Required exams and certifications will be verified.

Successful completion of the following exams and certifications
Exam 70-630: TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring (for IT professionals)
Exam 70-631: TS: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Configuring (for IT professionals)
Exam 70-541: TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 – Application Development (for developers)
Exam 70-542: TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Application Development (for Developers)
Microsoft Certified Master: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Pricing structure
Nonrefundable program application fee: US$125
Program fee: US$18,500
Non-lab exam retakes: US$250
Lab exam retakes: US$1,500
Que penser de ces prix ?
De ce programme ?

Microsoft Certified Master: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
November 3–22, 2008
February 9–28, 2009
April 13–May 2, 2009
Pas vraiment pratique pour des membres de l'Europe, non ?
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

vendredi 7 novembre 2008

SharePoint Tutorials from LearnVu.com

SharePoint Tutorials from LearnVu.com: "SharePointHosting.com provides on-demand access to SharePoint tutorials from LearnVu to all our SharePoint hosting customers. This is a significant value-add service to our SharePoint hosting offerings.

Did anyone ever hand you a SharePoint user manual or some other “documentation” when you had a question about a SharePoint feature, configuration issue or problem.

Did you ever want to have an SharePoint expert sit with you every time you had a question or needed to sharpen your skills with a particular piece of software or hardware?
Did you ever sit through a long support queue when you just wanted your “simple” SharePoint question answered in a way you could understand

SharePoint tutorials from LearnVu are your answer to common issues users have in learning SharePoint software. You will be up and running SharePoint quickly with SharePointHosting.com and LearnVu.

LearnVu Tutorial Tips: (1) use with high speed internet access (2) after a tutorial loads you may need to press the 'stop' button on the video control to queue the video (3) verify that your browser has the Flash plug-in."
Pierre Erol GIRAUDY
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

mercredi 5 novembre 2008

USA un nouveau President: Barack Obama

La crise financière actuelle est devenue la préoccupation principale des Américains. Or, selon un récent sondage Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg, 48% des Américains feraient confiance à Barack Obama sur les questions économiques. Sa maîtrise de l'économie - Elections américaines - MSN Actualités - Actualités#10633513 lire la suite sur le site MSN... Sur le 44eme President des USA Barack Obama. (Pendant la campagne, Barack Obama a salué lundi la mémoire de sa grand-mère maternelle. A son arrivée, pour son avant-dernier meeting avant le scrutin, Barack Obama a annoncé que Madelyn Dunham était morte d'un cancer à 86 ans dans son domicile d'Honolulu). Beaucoup d'espoir dans cette élection de Barack Obama...
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

mardi 4 novembre 2008

Mart Muller's Sharepoint Weblog - Office 14 to the Web

Quelques infos sur la 14... par Mart Muller's Sharepoint Weblog - Office 14 to the Web

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

MSOZACADEMIC : Live Mesh Mac Client Now Available

J'utilise Live Mesh et vais en parler à la prochaine réunion du CLUB MOSS FRANCE le 15 Décembre à Paris, voir : http://clubmoss2007.org/Evenements.aspx on parlera aussi de Microsoft SharedView...

Inscriptions club membres : http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/37584

MSOZACADEMIC : Live Mesh Mac Client Now Available: "With the official release of Live Mesh Beta last week, there have been some small improvements to the overall application, including a new Mac Client. People with Mac computers can now enjoy the benefits of Live Mesh including 5GB of cloud storage and take advantage of synchronisation between their Macs and other devices. The list of things that you can potentially do with Live Mesh connectivity is endless. As Live Mesh starts to develop we are seeing more cool applications released including the latest, ‘Mesh Mobile’. Mesh Mobile has been designed for the car. The application includes, navigation, weather forecasts, Internet, synchronisation with your music, pictures and documents and so much more. Check out the cool Mesh Mobile demo on the Channel 9 site.
For more information, go to the Live Mesh website and sign up today for 5GB of free storage today."

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

samedi 1 novembre 2008

PDC 2008 | Channel 9

PDC 2008 Channel 9 rien de plus rien de moins, mais les 1er aspects d'OFFICE 14 et de W7... avec le ruban.
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007
View Pierre Erol GIRAUDY's profile on LinkedIn

vendredi 31 octobre 2008

Jean WEMAERE: Etude : Les Français et la formation professionnelle

30 octobre 2008 Etude : Les Français et la formation professionnelle
Au moment où plusieurs rapports dénoncent les dysfonctionnements de notre système de formation professionnelle, l’étude réalisée par la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris apporte un autre éclairage sur le sujet. Cette enquête analyse la perception de la formation par le grand public. On aurait pu croire qu’elle corroborerait les précédentes en faisant état de l’inefficacité du système, à travers le témoignage des utilisateurs finaux.

Or il n’en est rien. Au contraire, les trois quart des personnes interrogées déclarent connaître les contenus et les modalités d’organisation de la formation continue et 88% d’entre elles pensent « qu’il n’y pas d’âge pour se former ». Il s’agit pour elles « d’une école de la seconde chance sans discrimination notable selon la catégorie socioprofessionnelle ou le niveau de diplôme ».
Les personnes interrogées ont intégré la notion de formation tout au long de la vie et même de co-responsabilité, perspective très intéressante pour la mise en œuvre du DIF. Quant au financement 60% sont prêtes à l’assurer, en partie, personnellement. De plus, elles ont une vision claire de ce que cela peut leur apporter puisque 72% des personnes interrogées estiment que la formation sert à « améliorer ses connaissances au service de l’entreprise dans laquelle on travaille et à développer sa culture générale et ses connaissances ».Cette enquête a également dévoilé un autre aspect extrêmement positif puisque Anne Marie Le Bévillon, qui a piloté l’enquête pour la CCIP, considère que « la formation continue ne procure pas seulement un bénéfice social et personnel : elle est aussi un facteur de bien être, voire d’estime de soi ».

Les résultats de cette enquête sont très rassurants et relativisent les propos souvent peu amènes sur la formation, formulés aujourd’hui.
Peut être convient-il de sortir des discours sur les dispositifs, exprimés par les acteurs de la formation, et s’intéresser, comme cette enquête l’a fait, aux utilisateurs finaux. Cela donne un autre éclairage qui devrait être pris en compte par ceux qui, en ce moment, négocient la réforme.
Un ultime résultat de l’enquête montre que les personnes interrogées accordent une importance toute particulière à la nécessité de valider la formation par une marque de reconnaissance, certificat ou diplôme, puisque 72% d’entre elles affirment «qu’un diplôme de formation continue, c’est aussi bien qu’un diplôme scolaire et universitaire » et que « la formation continue permet d’obtenir un diplôme qu’on n’a pas pu avoir plus jeune ».

A coté de la création d’un compte épargne formation, outil de motivation personnelle et de sécurisation des parcours, qui va faire l’objet de prochaines négociations, il faut que nous, opérateurs, conduisions une réflexion sur la mise en place d’instruments de certification ou de reconnaissance des formations et acquis professionnels.C’est un formidable enjeu mais cela devient indispensable car on ne peut plus séparer la formation de sa reconnaissance.

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# posté par Jean WEMAERE @ 2:12 PM Jean WEMAERE: Etude : Les Français et la formation professionnelle

Président du Club MOSS FRANCE

Mon site pro. meg-jic

Souvent il m'est demandé, quelle-est votre activité ? "P. Erol GIRAUDY" travail chez MEG-JIC commme : Consultant Portail Intranet/Extranet et S.I. Architecture et Implantations (MVP MOSS 2007). Je suis depuis des années MVP SharePoint (7 ans) et Président du Club MOSS France, Vice-président du Club UGO2007 et animateur du MUG. Speaker aux TECHDAYS 2007/2008 et ATE aux TECHED. Mes études : DEA 101, Stratégie des organisations, Université de Paris IX Dauphine en 1985 (rédaction d'une thèse de doctorat N.N. 1986/1988 et d’articles). ESCP-Paris, Gestion des projets internationaux Programme Doctoral en 1984/85.
MASTER, d’Organisation IESTO informatique / CNAM Paris en 1983/1982. J’ai créé de nombreux Blogs et sites Web pour nos activités Communautaires en anglais et français."
BIOGRAPHIES ... voir la suite sur ce lien : ici.
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

MSDN Blogs About Arpan Shah's Blog

MSDN Blogs: "About Arpan Shah's Blog I'm a Director at Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA) who owns Technical Product Management for SharePoint Products and Technologies. While I sometimes post personal comments, this blog's primary purpose is to provide information on SharePoint technology along with Collaboration, ECM and Search industry trends."

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

mercredi 29 octobre 2008

Azure Services Training Kit

The Azure Services Training Kit will include a comprehensive set of technical content including samples, demos, hands-on labs, and presentations that are designed to help you learn how to use the Azure Services Platform. This initial PDC Preview release includes the hands-on labs that were provided at the PDC 2008 conference. These labs cover the broad set of Azure Services including Windows Azure, .NET Services, SQL Services, and Live Services. Additional content will be included in future updates of this kit. Download details: Azure Services Training Kit

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

Etsy :: candicejohnson :: Candice Johnson Artist - Paintings of Tetes

Un peu de poésie dans ce monde Virtuel !
Etsy :: candicejohnson :: Candice Johnson Artist - Paintings of Tetes

Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

mardi 28 octobre 2008

Microsoft Unveils Windows Azure at Professional Developers Conference: Company releases comprehensive Azure Services Platform for the cloud, offering unprecedented power of choice and open connections for developers.

Highlights from the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2008, Octoboer 27-30, Los Angeles Convention Center.

Event Videos on : http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/events/pdc/default.mspx
Day 2 Keynote: Ray Ozzie
Day 1 Keynote: Ray Ozzie, Amitabh Srivastava, Bob Muglia, and David Thompson
Keynote clips:
Ray Ozzie: Introducing Windows Azure (03:59)
Ray Ozzie: Windows Azure Features (01:20)
Ray Ozzie: Azure Services Platform (02:02)
Press releases
Microsoft Unveils Windows Azure at Professional Developers Conference (Oct. 27, 2008)

Microsoft Unveils Windows Azure at Professional Developers Conference: Company releases comprehensive Azure Services Platform for the cloud, offering unprecedented power of choice and open connections for developers.

LOS ANGELES — Oct. 27, 2008 — Today, during a keynote speech at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2008 (PDC2008), Ray Ozzie, Microsoft Corp.’s chief software architect, announced Windows Azure, the cloud-based service foundation underlying its Azure Services Platform, and highlighted this platform’s role in delivering a software plus services approach to computing. The Azure Services Platform is an industry-leading move by Microsoft to help developers build the next generation of applications that will span from the cloud to the enterprise datacenter and deliver compelling new experiences across the PC, Web and phone.

Watch an on-demand Webcast of Microsoft chief technology officer Ray Ozzie's keynote speech at Microsoft's PDC 2008, where he introduced Windows Azure, the "Windows in the cloud" service foundation underlying the Azure Services Platform, Microsoft's end-to-end software-plus-services approach to computing. Los Angeles, Oct. 27, 2008
Watch in stand-alone player.

Ozzie described how this platform combines cloud-based developer capabilities with storage, computational and networking infrastructure services, all hosted on servers operating within Microsoft’s global datacenter network. This provides developers with the ability to deploy applications in the cloud or on-premises and enables experiences across a broad range of business and consumer scenarios. A limited community technology preview (CTP) of the Azure Services Platform was initially made available to developers in attendance at PDC2008, giving them a chance to try out its features and functions and plan for their own future development.

“Today marks a turning point for Microsoft and the development community,” Ozzie said. “We have introduced a game-changing set of technologies that will bring new opportunities to Web developers and business developers alike. The Azure Services Platform, built from the ground up to be consistent with Microsoft’s commitment to openness and interoperability, promises to transform the way businesses operate and how consumers access their information and experience the Web. Most important, it gives our customers the power of choice to deploy applications in cloud-based Internet services or through on-premises servers, or to combine them in any way that makes the most sense for the needs of their business.”

Empowering Cloud Development With the Azure Services Platform

Unlike many of today’s service-based solutions, the Azure Services Platform provides developers with the flexibility and ability to create applications while taking advantage of their existing skills, tools and technologies such as the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio. Developers also can choose from a broad range of commercial or open source development tools and technologies, and access the Azure Services Platform using a variety of common Internet standards including HTTP, representational state transfer (REST), WS-* and Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub).

Key components of the Azure Services Platform include the following:

• Windows Azure for service hosting and management, low-level scalable storage, computation and networking

• Microsoft SQL Services for a wide range of database services and reporting

• Microsoft .NET Services which are service-based implementations of familiar .NET Framework concepts such as workflow and access control

• Live Services for a consistent way for users to store, share and synchronize documents, photos, files and information across their PCs, phones, PC applications and Web sites

• Microsoft SharePoint Services and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Services for business content, collaboration and rapid solution development in the cloud

State-of-the-Art Datacenter Infrastructure

During the keynote, Ozzie said of Windows Azure, "It's designed to be the foundation, to be the bedrock, underneath all of Microsoft's service offerings for consumers and business alike." Los Angeles, Oct. 27, 2008.
Click for high-res version.

Microsoft also described the importance of building robust datacenters in delivering online services. Over the past year, Microsoft has opened major datacenters in Quincy, Wash., and San Antonio, with additional centers scheduled to open in Chicago and Dublin, Ireland. Microsoft is leading the way in services infrastructure with innovative use of shipping containers as flexible and portable housing for servers, providing 10 times the density and dramatic savings in power usage. Supporting the Microsoft software plus services strategy, Microsoft’s datacenters serve up e-mail accounts, Web pages, instant messages, photos, videos, software programs and search information to millions of Internet customers worldwide.

Cut Costs and Unlock Innovation

Services technologies, when employed alongside other core technology enablers such as virtualization and modeling, will result in dramatic benefits for customers’ IT departments. Specifically, these technologies will enable a new and more dynamic world, where IT departments can drive down operating costs, focus their spending on systems that differentiate the business, and ultimately enable IT to become a more strategic asset.

“Only a few companies in the world can bring the promise of cloud computing to reality, and we are excited about the strong capabilities of the Azure Services Platform,” said Paul Farrell, senior vice president of research and development for Epicor Software Corp. “We believe that Microsoft’s initiative and leadership in software plus services will be beneficial to Epicor customers as we architect our solutions to optimize for cloud and on-premises solutions.”

Providing Businesses Choice and Flexibility Through Software and Services

Microsoft’s service offerings also include Microsoft Online Services. These solutions deliver enterprise-class software as a subscription service, hosted by Microsoft and sold through partners. Microsoft services applications, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Office Communications Online and Office Live Meeting can be used as a complement to or in addition to on-premises software, enabling the power of choice depending on a customer’s IT strategy.

More information about the Azure Services Platform and Microsoft’s software plus services offering can be found at http://www.azure.com.

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

Note to editors: If you are interested in viewing additional information on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft Web page at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass on Microsoft’s corporate information pages. Web links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, but may since have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft’s Rapid Response Team or other appropriate contacts listed at http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/contactpr.mspx.

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY
Président du Club MOSS 2007 et MUG.
Vice-Président Club UGO2007

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2008 Virtual Pressroom

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2008 Virtual Pressroom

lundi 27 octobre 2008

SharePoint Services on Windows Azure | Agile Sharepoint development by 21apps and MOSS 2007 MVP Andrew Woodward

SharePoint Services on Windows Azure Agile Sharepoint development by 21apps and MOSS 2007 MVP Andrew Woodward